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Milling - 8 de articole in

Ultimele 8 stiri adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa milling

Pretul painii ar putea sa creasca, desi anul 2021 va fi unul bun pentru grau

Romania are norocul de a nu se numara printre tarile in care pretul painii va trebui sa creasca. Graul este suficient si cultura din acest an se prefigureaza deja a fi una bogata. Acest lucru, insa, nu este valabil si pentru alte ...
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Spicul SA a intrat in insolventa

Spicul este unul dintre cele mai longevive branduri din industria de panificatie, cu o istorie de peste 160 de ani. Compania avea la finalul anului trecut datorii de aproape 100 milioane de lei (23,7 milioane de euro), la o cifra de afaceri de numai ...
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Corn Falls to Two-Month Low as Record Harvest Adds to Stocks

Corn futures fell to the lowest in more than two months in Chicago and soybeans extended their decline to the longest in almost a year as record U.S. crops added to stockpiles. World stocks of corn, soybeans, rice and wheat will rise 8.3 percent ...
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Romania. Price of wheat not to go up in next three months - Rompan

President of the Rompan Romanian Employers' Association in Milling and Bread Making Industry in Romania Aurel Popescu said on Friday, at the end of the talks with Minister of Agriculture Mihail Dumitru that it was out of the question to change the ...
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Farmers want precise measures for agriculture

Employers in the agriculture sector and food industry are asking for a 5-9 percent reduction in value added tax (VAT) on agricultural products in order to counter tax evasion, currently extremely high in the baked goods and cold meats production ...
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Leu, Argus: There is no fiscal evasion in the oil industry

The General Manager of the Argus Constanta edible oil producer, Vasile Leu, said that the oil industry is not affected by fiscal evasion considering this is a sector which requires major investments, which not everybody can afford. Regarding the ...
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Pambac’s business stagnated at the Q1 2008 level

The business of Pambac Bacau, a major milling and baked goods industry producer, stagnated in the first quarter of this year compared to the first three months in 2008, at some RON 51 million (€11.9 mln), according to company officials. For ...
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New plant: Pava accelerates supplies of wheat gluten and starches

Ambitious Russian grain processor PAVA spears higher margin value-added ingredients, announcing plans to break ground on a grain fractionation plant for the production of wheat gluten, starches and syrups. Scheduled to be up and running in 2010, the ...
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